What to expect from online training?

We first meet with the client in person or through the skype call where we get to know them more closely, to clarify their intention and what motivates them to this program. We will then ask them to write us few paragraphs about their usual day, how much and what they eat, how often, what is their job, how much do they sleep etc.    

The client goes through online testing to determine physical fitness, mobility, or imbalance. Initial testing is complemented by client videos from our activities. On the basis of the information we find, we create a customized training program for the client. The training plan is sent every week in advance, and after the client's tour is completed with videos of exercises that are not clear to the client. The client always writes their results and feelings to the table, which serves as an output for optimizing and setting up the intensity of training sessions. We are always available to the client in case of confusion with the training, assistance and any other things that might happen.